Helical tomotherapy (HT) is designed to deliver highly modulated IMRT treatments. The concept of HT provides new challenges in MC simulation, because simultaneous movement of the gantry, the couch and the multi-leaf collimator (MLC) must be simulated accurately. However, before accounting for gantry, couch movement and multileaf collimator configurations, high accuracy must be achieved while simulating open static fields (1 times 40, 2.5 times 40 and 5 times 40 cm 2). This is performed using MC HAMMER, which is a graphical user interface allowing MC simulation using PENELOPE for various configurations of HT. Since the geometry of the different elements and materials involved in the beam generation are precisely known and defined, the only parameters that need to be tuned on are therefore electron source spot size and electron energy. Beyond the build up region, good agreement (2%/1 mm) is achieved for all the field sizes between measurements (ion chamber) and simulations with an electron source energy set to 5.5 MeV. The electron source spot size is modelled as a gaussian distribution with full width half maximum equal to 1.4 mm. This value was chosen to match measured and calculated penumbras in the longitudinal direction.
Sterpin, Edmond ; Tomsej, M. ; Cravens, B. ; Salvat, F. ; Ruchala, K. ; et. al. Monte Carlo simulation of the Tomotherapy treatment unit in the static mode using MC HAMMER, a Monte Carlo tool dedicated to Tomotherapy . In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 74, no. 1, p. 021019 (10 pp.)(2007)