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Rereading the rewriting of the biblical traditions in the infancy gospel of Thomas (Paidika)
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Document type | Contribution à ouvrage collectif (Book Chapter) – Chapitre |
Publication date | 2011 |
Language | Anglais |
Host document | Clivaz Claire, Dettwiler Andreas, Devillers Luc, Enrico Norelli (éds.) ; "Infancy gospels. Stories and identities"- 482-505 (ISBN : 978-3-16-150833-2) |
Collection | Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament - 281 (ISSN : 0512-1604) |
Publisher | Mohr Siebeck (Tübingen) |
Publication status | Publié |
Affiliations |
- SSH/RSCS - Institut de recherche Religions, spiritualités, cultures, sociétés UCL - TECO - Faculté de théologie |
Keywords | Infancy Gospel of Thomas ; 5530 ; 5522 ; 5530 |
Links |
Bibliographic reference | Van Oyen, Geert. Rereading the rewriting of the biblical traditions in the infancy gospel of Thomas (Paidika). In: Clivaz Claire, Dettwiler Andreas, Devillers Luc, Enrico Norelli (éds.), Infancy gospels. Stories and identities, Mohr Siebeck : Tübingen 2011, p.482-505 |
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