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On the growth rate of matrices with row uncertainties

Bibliographic reference Chang, Chia-Tche ; Jungers, Raphaël M. ; Blondel, Vincent. On the growth rate of matrices with row uncertainties.14th Belgian-French-German Conference on Optimization (Leuven, du 14/09/2009 au 18/09/2009). In: J. De Schutter, M. Diehl, F. Glineur, E. Jarlebring, Q. Louveaux, W. Michiels, I. Smets, J. Suykens, J. Swevers, J. Vandewalle, J. Van Impe, M. Verschuure, Book of Abstracts of the 14th Belgian-French-German Conference on Optimization (BFG'09), 2009, p.86
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