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Generalisation of the LP norm for time series and its application to Self-Organizing Maps
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Document type | Communication à un colloque (Conference Paper) – Présentation orale avec comité de sélection |
Access type | Accès restreint |
Publication date | 2005 |
Language | Anglais |
Conference | "Proceedings of WSOM 2005, 5th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps", Paris (France) (du 05/09/2005 au 08/09/2005) |
Peer reviewed | yes |
Affiliations |
- MD/MINT - Département de médecine interne UCL - FSA/ELEC - Département d'électricité |
Keywords | Self-Organizing Maps ; Distance ; Metric ; Time series |
Links |
Bibliographic reference | Lee, John Aldo ; Verleysen, Michel. Generalisation of the LP norm for time series and its application to Self-Organizing Maps.Proceedings of WSOM 2005, 5th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (Paris (France), du 05/09/2005 au 08/09/2005). |
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