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Assessing the stigma of tuberculosis

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  20. Long Nguyen Hoang, Johansson Eva, Diwan Vinod K, Winkvist Anna, Different tuberculosis in men and women: beliefs from focus groups in Vietnam, 10.1016/s0277-9536(99)00171-9
  21. Long Nguyen Hoang, Johansson Eva, Diwan Vinod K, Winkvist Anna, Fear and social isolation as consequences of tuberculosis in VietNam: a gender analysis, 10.1016/s0168-8510(01)00143-9
  22. Macq J., Linking quality of care and health services organisation design: Social exclusion of tuberculosis patients in Nicaragua, Behavioural recommendations and integration of health services (2000)
  23. Macq Jean, Solis Alejandro, Martinez Guillermo, Martiny Patrick, Dujardin Bruno, An exploration of the social stigma of tuberculosis in five “municipios” of Nicaragua to reflect on local interventions, 10.1016/j.healthpol.2005.01.003
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Bibliographic reference Macq, Jean ; Solis, Alejandro ; Martinez, Guillermo. Assessing the stigma of tuberculosis. In: Psychology, Health & Medicine, Vol. 11, no. 3, p. 346-352 (2006)
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