Driessen, Jan
Fiasse, Hubert
Devolder, Maud
Hacigüzeller, Piraye
Letesson, Quentin
Several large domestic complexes of the Cretan postpalatial period remain elusive as to the nature of their occupation. Although, in general, many authors favour the existence of an urban Minoan society structured upon a system of nuclear families, the size of several residences by far exceeds the standards of the period, casting doubt on such a hypothesis. This is also the case for Quartier Nu at Malia, a large architectural complex of ca. 750 m² dating to the Late Bronze Age and consisting of about 30 spaces organised around a central court. Its recent excavation has given plenty of archaeological data, which, within a geographical information system (Arcgis 8) generates a series of archaeological plans. At the same time, several analytical methodologies are used which may allow us to answer the following question: what was the nature of occupation in Quartier Nu?
Bibliographic reference |
Driessen, Jan ; Fiasse, Hubert ; Devolder, Maud ; Hacigüzeller, Piraye ; Letesson, Quentin. Recherches spatiales au Quartier Nu à Malia (MRIII). In: Creta Antica, Vol. 9, p. 93-110 (2008) |
Permanent URL |
http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/83055 |