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Solute transport in soil at the core and field scale
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Document type | Contribution à ouvrage collectif (Book Chapter) |
Publication date | 2005 |
Language | Anglais |
Host document | M.G. Anderson, John Wiley & Sons ; "In Enclyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences"- 1041-1054 (chap.69) |
Publication status | Publié |
Affiliations |
- AGRO/MILA - Département des sciences du milieu et de l'aménagement du territoire UCL - SST/ELI/ELIE - Environmental Sciences |
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Bibliographic reference | Vanclooster, Marnik ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanderborght, J.. Solute transport in soil at the core and field scale. In: M.G. Anderson, John Wiley & Sons, In Enclyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences, 2005, p.1041-1054 (chap.69) |
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