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Correction to "Prediction of fingering in porous media": Revision and evaluation of unstable flow criteria

  1. Chuoke, Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Metall. Pet. Eng., 216, 188 (1959)
  2. de Rooij G.H., Modeling fingered flow of water in soils owing to wetting front instability: a review, 10.1016/s0022-1694(00)00201-8
  3. Philip J. R., Stability Analysis of Infiltration1, 10.2136/sssaj1975.03615995003900060013x
  4. Wang Zhi, Feyen Jan, Elrick David E., Prediction of fingering in porous media, 10.1029/98wr01472
Bibliographic reference Javaux, Mathieu ; Wang, Z. ; Feyen, Jan ; Elrick, D. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Correction to "Prediction of fingering in porous media": Revision and evaluation of unstable flow criteria. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 41
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