Dedecker, P.
The equivalence between the principles of classical mechanics and the theorem which Elie Cartan called principle of conservation of impulse-energy originates in the possibility of replacing Hamilton's principle, delta I=0 where I is the integral of L(t,q/sup i/,dq /sup i//dt)dt, 1or=1 variational problems, the Lagrangians L of which depend on the derivatives of d/sup k/q/sup i //dt/sup k/ of order k
Bibliographic reference |
Dedecker, P.. [The Helmholtz-Cartan theorem for a simple integral of higher order]. In: Academie des Sciences. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances. Serie A. Sciences Mathematiques, Vol. 288, no. 17, p. 827-830 (1979) |
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