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Assessment and Attempt To Explain the High-performance of Azolla in Subdesertic Tropics Versus Humid Tropics

  1. de Waha Baillonville T, Diara H F, Godard P and Van Hove C 1991 A standardized methodology to measureAzolla biomass under natural conditions. International Rice Commission Newsletter June 1991.
  2. Lumpkin I and Bartholomew D P 1986 Predictive models for the growth response of eightAzolla accessions to climatic variables. Crop Science 26, 107–111.
  3. SAS 1985 SAS User's Guide: Statistics, Version 5 Ed. SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, 956 p.
  4. Van Hove C, de Waha Baillonville T, Diara H F, Godard P, Mai Kodomi Y and Sanginga N 1987Azolla collection and selection.In Azolla Utilization, pp 77–87. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines.
  5. Van Hove C, Diara H F and Godard P 1983Azolla en Afrique de l'Ouest-in West Africa. Ed. C Van Hove. Ed Oleffe, Gourt St Etienne, Belgium, 56 p.
Bibliographic reference Baillonville, TD. ; Diara, HF. ; Watanabe, I. ; Berthet, P. ; Van Hove, Charles. Assessment and Attempt To Explain the High-performance of Azolla in Subdesertic Tropics Versus Humid Tropics.5TH INTERNATIONAL SYMP ON NITROGEN FIXATION WITH NON-LEGUMES (FLORENCE(Italy), Sep 10-14, 1990). In: Plant and Soil : international journal on plant-soil relationships, Vol. 137, no. 1, p. 145-149 (1991)
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