Wambersie, André
White, DR.
The ICRU Report on `Phantoms and Computational Models in Radiation Therapy, Diagnosis and Protection' is presented. Different types of phantoms may be defined. They may be broadly categorised according to their primary function: dosimetry, calibration and imaging. Within each functional category, there are 3 types or designs of phantoms: body phantoms (anthropomorphic), standard phantoms and reference phantoms (used in the definition and specification of certain radiation quantities). In radiological imaging, anthropomorphic body phantoms are used for measuring the absorbed dose distribution resulting from imaging procedures. Standard phantoms have simple reproducible geometry and are used for comparing measurements under standard conditions of exposure. Imaging phantoms are useful for evaluating a given imaging system; they contain different types of test pieces. The Report contains a major section on human anatomy, from fetus to adult with the variations due to ethnic origin. Tolerance levels for the phantoms (composition, dimensions) are proposed and quality assurance programs are outlined. The report contains extensive appendices: human anatomical data and full specification of over 80 phantoms and computational models. ICRU Report 46 on `Photon, electron, proton and neutron interaction data for body tissues' is closely related to the field of phantoms. It is a logical continuation on ICRU Report 44 (1989) on `Tissue substitutes in radiation dosimetry and measurements' and contains the interaction data for more than 100 tissues, from fetal to adult, including some diseased tissues.
Bibliographic reference |
Wambersie, André ; White, DR.. Icru Activity in the Field of Phantoms in Diagnostic-radiology.SEMINAR ON DOSIMETRY IN DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY (LUXEMBOURG(Luxembourg), Mar 19-21, 1991). In: Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 43, no. 1-4, p. 11-14 (1992) |
Permanent URL |
http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/63537 |