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Competition for Inorganic Carbon Between Photosynthesis and Calcification in the Symbiont-bearing Foraminifer Amphistegina-lobifera
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Document type | Article de périodique (Journal article) – Article de recherche |
Access type | Accès restreint |
Publication date | 1989 |
Language | Anglais |
Journal information | "Marine Biology : international journal on life in oceans and coastal waters" - Vol. 103, no. 2, p. 253-259 (1989) |
Peer reviewed | yes |
Publisher | Springer Verlag (New York) |
issn | 0025-3162 |
e-issn | 1432-1793 |
Publication status | Publié |
Affiliation | UCL |
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Bibliographic reference | Terkuile, B. ; Erez, J. ; Padan, E.. Competition for Inorganic Carbon Between Photosynthesis and Calcification in the Symbiont-bearing Foraminifer Amphistegina-lobifera. In: Marine Biology : international journal on life in oceans and coastal waters, Vol. 103, no. 2, p. 253-259 (1989) |
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