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Productivity in the Uk Services Sector - Historical Trends 1856-1985 and Comparisons With the Usa 1950-85

  1. Artis, The Labour Government's Economic Record 1974-79 (1990)
  2. Alford, Studies in Economic History for the Economic History Society (1988)
  3. Foreman-Peck, Economic Journal, 84 (1985)
  4. Griliches Zvi, Productivity Puzzles and R&D: Another Nonexplanation, 10.1257/jep.2.4.9
  5. Kendricks, Business Economics, Vol. XXII, 18 (1987)
  6. Matthews, British Economic Growth 1851-1973 (1982)
  7. Millward, The Service Industries Journal, 8, 263 (1988)
  8. Millward, The Labour Government's Economic Record 1974-79 (1990)
  9. Millward, Oxford Economic Papers, 39, 719 (1987)
  10. Molyneux, The Efficiency of the Nationalized Industries Since 1978 (1986)
  11. Paige, A Comparison of National Output and Productivity of the UK and USA (1959)
  12. Pryke, Public and Private Enterprise in a Mixed Economy (1980)
  13. Pryke, The Nationalized Industries: Policies and Performance Since 1968 (1981)
  14. Rostas, Comparative Productivity in British and American Industry (1948)
  15. Shackleton, National Westminster Bank Review (1984)
  16. Smith, International Industrial Productivity: A Comparison of Britain, America and Germany (1982)
  17. Vickers, Privatization (1988)
Bibliographic reference Millward, R.. Productivity in the Uk Services Sector - Historical Trends 1856-1985 and Comparisons With the Usa 1950-85. In: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 52, no. 4, p. 423-436 (1990)
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