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Unexpected Reaction of [ni(co)4-n(r2pcl)n] (n=1, 2, R=bu-tert, Cy, Ph) With Na2[fe2(co)8] - Synthesis and Electronic-structure of the Anions [fe2(mu-co)(co)6(mu-pr2)]- and Their Reactions With H+ and [m(pph3)]+ (m=cu, Ag, Au)

Bibliographic reference Walther, B. ; Hartung, H. ; Bottcher, HC. ; Baumeister, U. ; Bohland, U. ; et. al. Unexpected Reaction of [ni(co)4-n(r2pcl)n] (n=1, 2, R=bu-tert, Cy, Ph) With Na2[fe2(co)8] - Synthesis and Electronic-structure of the Anions [fe2(mu-co)(co)6(mu-pr2)]- and Their Reactions With H+ and [m(pph3)]+ (m=cu, Ag, Au). In: Polyhedron, Vol. 10, no. 20-21, p. 2423-2435 (1991)
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