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A Variational Inverse Method for the Reconstruction of General-circulation Fields in the Northern Bering Sea - Comment

  1. Brasseur Pierre P., A variational inverse method for the reconstruction of general circulation fields in the northern Bering Sea, 10.1029/90jc02387
  2. Overland J. E., Roach A. T., Northward flow in the Bering and Chukchi seas, 10.1029/jc092ic07p07097
  3. Spaulding M., Isaji T., Mendelsohn D., Turner A. C., Numerical Simulation of Wind-Driven Flow through the Bering Strait, 10.1175/1520-0485(1987)017<1799:nsowdf>;2
  4. Tripp, R. B., , Current meter and pressure gauge data, ISHTAR Data Rep. 2, Univ. of Wash., Seattle, 1985,
Bibliographic reference Deleersnijder, Eric. A Variational Inverse Method for the Reconstruction of General-circulation Fields in the Northern Bering Sea - Comment. In: Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 97, no. C6, p. 9755-9757 (1992)
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