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Autodyn and Robotran

  1. Samin Maes P. J. C., Multibody System Handbook (1989)
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  10. Fisetle P. and J.C. Samin , “ Lateral Dynamics of a Light Railway Vehicle with Independent Wheels ”, to be presented al the IAVSD Symposium , Lyon ( France ), August 1991 .
  11. Maes P., Samin J.-C., Willems P.-Y., Linearity of Multibody Systems with Respect to Barycentric Parameters: Dynamics and Identification Models Obtained by Symbolic Generation, 10.1080/15397738909412817
Bibliographic reference Fisette, Paul ; Maes, Pascal ; Samin, Jean-Claude ; Willems, PY.. Autodyn and Robotran. In: Vehicle System Dynamics : international journal of vehicle mechanics and mobility, Vol. 22, p. 45-52 (1993)
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