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Representation of a complex Green function on a real basis: Generalization to a three-body system

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  2. Callaway J, Unnikrishnan K, Electron impact excitation of the n = 3 states of hydrogen at intermediate energies, 10.1088/0953-4075/26/14/007
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  13. Shakeshaft Robin, Representation of a complex Green function on a real basis: Integral representation, 10.1103/physreva.62.062705
  14. Shakeshaft Robin, Representation of a complex Green function on a real basis: Series representation, 10.1103/physreva.66.012506
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  17. Feshbach Herman, Unified theory of nuclear reactions, 10.1016/0003-4916(58)90007-1
  18. Shakeshaft Robin, Perturbation theory for multiphoton ionization without knowledge of the final-state wave function, 10.1103/physreva.60.1280
  19. Shakeshaft Robin, Erratum: Perturbation theory for multiphoton ionization without knowledge of the final-state wave function [Phys. Rev. A60, 1280 (1999)], 10.1103/physreva.60.4198
  20. Pont Marcel, Shakeshaft Robin, Decomposition of the two-electron-atom eigenvalue problem, 10.1103/physreva.51.257
  21. Schwartz Charles, Electron Scattering from Hydrogen, 10.1103/physrev.124.1468
  22. Bartschat K, Bray I, Burke P G, Scott M P, Benchmark calculations for e - H scattering between then= 2 andn= 3 thresholds, 10.1088/0953-4075/29/22/023
  23. Callaway Joseph, Scattering of electrons by atomic hydrogen at intermediate energies: Elastic scattering andn=2excitation from 12 to 54 eV, 10.1103/physreva.32.775
  24. Scholz T, Scott P, Burke P G, Electron-hydrogen-atom scattering at intermediate energies, 10.1088/0953-4075/21/6/003
  25. Pekeris C. L., Ground State of Two-Electron Atoms, 10.1103/physrev.112.1649
  26. Yang Binwei, Pont Marcel, Shakeshaft Robin, van Duijn Ernst, Piraux Bernard, Description of a two-electron atom or ion in an ac field using interparticle coordinates, with an application toH−, 10.1103/physreva.56.4946
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  31. Kheifets Anatoli S., Bray Igor, Photoionization with excitation and double photoionization of the helium isoelectronic sequence, 10.1103/physreva.58.4501
  32. Forrey Robert C., Yan Zong-Chao, Sadeghpour H. R., Dalgarno A., Single and Double Photoionization from Dipole Response Function, 10.1103/physrevlett.78.3662
  33. Gerjuoy E., Rau A. R. P., Spruch Larry, A unified formulation of the construction of variational principles, 10.1103/revmodphys.55.725
Bibliographic reference Li, TN ; Piraux, Bernard ; Shakeshaft, R.. Representation of a complex Green function on a real basis: Generalization to a three-body system. In: Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, Vol. 67, no. 5 (2003)
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