Minet-Mahy, V
From the way allegorical writing functions, and particularly from interactions between creation and reading as complementary moments, we can abduce a given relationship to the text as a place in which the subject can unfold. The present paper approaches the issue through the analysis of interpretation mechanisms in Ovide moralise in verse (early 14th century): it locates the text in the allegorical tradition, brings out the transitive power that fiction exerts on its audience, and(in the wake of M.R. Jung's studies) stresses the significance of metaphor in the translation of pagan myth into Christian parable. As they throw bridges to Biblical imaginary representations, metaphors facilitates a shift from ancient to Christian tradition. Ovide moralise was written by a << preacher >> with a wide knowledge of doctrine; as such it represents a rich starting point from which to explore the significance of readers' profiles for the interpretation of a text (Wolfgang Iser's theory).
Bibliographic reference |
Minet-Mahy, V. [Some traces of a "theory of the text" in Middle French allegoresis. Can fiction drive the quest for meaning]. In: Le Moyen Age, Vol. 110, no. 3-4, p. 595-+ (2004) |
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http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/39788 |