Delmelle, Pierre
Villieras, F
Pelletier, M.
Our understanding on how ash particles in volcanic plumes react with coexisting gases and aerosols is still rudimentary, despite the importance of these reactions in influencing the chemistry and dynamics of a plume. In this study, six samples of fine ash (< 100 μm) from different volcanoes were measured for their specific surface area, as, porosity and water adsorption properties with the aim to provide insights into the capacity of silicate ash particles to react with gases, including water vapour. To do so, we performed high-resolution nitrogen and water vapour adsorption/desorption experiments at 77 K and 303 K, respectively. The nitrogen data indicated a(s) values in the range 1.1 - 2.1 m(2)/g, except in one case where a a(s) of 10 m(2)/g was measured. This high value is attributed to incorporation of hydrothermal phases, such as clay minerals, in the ash surface composition. The data also revealed that the ash samples are essentially nonporous, or have a porosity dominated by macropores with widths > 500 Angstrom. All the specimens had similar pore size distributions, with a small peak centered around 50 Angstrom. These findings suggest that fine ash particles have relatively undifferentiated surface textures, irrespective of the chemical composition and eruption type. Adsorption isotherms for water vapour revealed that the capacity of the ash samples for water adsorption is systematically larger than predicted from the nitrogen adsorption as values. Enhanced reactivity of the ash surface towards water may result from (i) hydration of bulk ash constituents; (ii) hydration of surface compounds; and/or (iii) hydroxylation of the surface of the ash. The later mechanism may lead to irreversible retention of water. Based on these experiments, we predict that volcanic ash is covered by a complete monolayer of water under ambient atmospheric conditions. In addition, capillary condensation within ash pores should allow for deposition of condensed water on to ash particles before water reaches saturation in the plume. The total mass of water vapour retained by 1 g of fine ash at 0.95 relative water vapour pressure is calculated to be similar to10(-2) g. Some volcanic implications of this study are discussed.
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Bibliographic reference |
Delmelle, Pierre ; Villieras, F ; Pelletier, M.. Surface area, porosity and water adsorption properties of fine volcanic ash particles. In: Bulletin of Volcanology, Vol. 67, no. 2, p. 160-169 (2005) |
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