Wake turbulence is a major concern for busy airports since it limits capacity. Solutions for new aircraft staggering procedures are sought which relax the cur-rent separations but keep safety on a high level. Systems which advice air-traffic control on wake-vortex behaviour under present and expected weather conditions will, hopefully, contribute to such a solution. Knowledge on transport and decay of wake vortices in the atmosphere is presented. Concepts and designs of wake-vortex advisory systems in Europe and the USA are outlined. European wake-vortex measurement and prediction campaigns are described where the components of such systems have been tested successfully.
Gerz, T ; Holzapfel, F ; Bryant, W ; Kopp, K ; Frech, M ; et. al. Research towards a wake-vortex advisory system for optimal aircraft spacing. In: Comptes rendus. Physique, Vol. 6, no. 4-5, p. 501-523 (2005)