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Syntheses, structural and spectral studies of six-coordinate, [Ph2SnCl(acpm)], and seven-coordinate, [(Bu2Sn)-Bu-n(dapm)], diorganotin(IV) complexes with N,N,S-tridentate and S,N,N,N,S-pentadentate N-4-heterocyclic thiosemicarbazones

Bibliographic reference de Sousa, Gerimario F. ; Manso, Luis Carlos C. ; Lang, Ernesto S. ; Gatto, Claudia C. ; Mahieu, Bernard. Syntheses, structural and spectral studies of six-coordinate, [Ph2SnCl(acpm)], and seven-coordinate, [(Bu2Sn)-Bu-n(dapm)], diorganotin(IV) complexes with N,N,S-tridentate and S,N,N,N,S-pentadentate N-4-heterocyclic thiosemicarbazones. In: Journal of Molecular Structure, Vol. 826, no. 2-3, p. 185-191 (2007)
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