Pereira, Cicero
Vala, Jorge
Leyens, Jacques-Philippe
This set of studies tests the link between infra-humanization, symbolic threat, and discrimination within normative contexts. In two experiments, manipulating the degree of humanity of a disliked outgroup has an effect upon the discrimination towards it. The infra-humanized outgroup is more discriminated than the humanized one. Also, the perception of symbolic threat plays the role of a justifying factor for discrimination, and mediates the relationship between degrees of humanity and discrimination. Study 2 further shows that this mediation occurs only when an egalitarian norm is activated, and not when meritocracy is made salient. The discussion focuses on factors likely to prevent infra-humanization of outgroups. It also considers how norms may change the role of threat. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Bibliographic reference |
Pereira, Cicero ; Vala, Jorge ; Leyens, Jacques-Philippe. From infra-humanization to discrimination: The mediation of symbolic threat needs egalitarian norms. In: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 45, no. 2, p. 336-344 (2009) |
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