The HERA electron--proton collider has collected 100 pb$^{-1}$ of data since
its start-up in 1992, and recently moved into a high-luminosity operation mode,
with upgraded detectors, aiming to increase the total integrated luminosity per
experiment to more than 500 pb$^{-1}$. HERA has been a machine of excellence
for the study of QCD and the structure of the proton. The Large Hadron Collider
(LHC), which will collide protons with a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV, will
be completed at CERN in 2007. The main mission of the LHC is to discover and
study the mechanisms of electroweak symmetry breaking, possibly via the
discovery of the Higgs particle, and search for new physics in the TeV energy
scale, such as supersymmetry or extra dimensions. Besides these goals, the LHC
will also make a substantial number of precision measurements and will offer a
new regime to study the strong force via perturbative QCD processes and
diffraction. For the full LHC physics programme a good understanding of QCD
phenomena and the structure function of the proton is essential. Therefore, in
March 2004, a one-year-long workshop started to study the implications of HERA
on LHC physics. This included proposing new measurements to be made at HERA,
extracting the maximum information from the available data, and
developing/improving the theoretical and experimental tools. This report
summarizes the results achieved during this workshop.
Comment: Part A: plenary presentations, WG1: parton density functions, WG2:
Multi-Jet final states and energy flows. 326 pages Part B: WG3: Heavy Quarks
(Charm and Beauty), WG4: Diffraction, WG5: Monte Carlo Tools, 330 pages
Alekhin, S. ; Maltoni, Fabio ; et. al. HERA and the LHC: A Workshop on the implications of HERA for LHC physics: Proceedings Part A. (2005) 326 p. pages