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Cross-section measurements of the Nb-93 (p, gamma) Mo-94 reaction at E(p) = 1.4-MeV to 4.9-MeV relevant to the nucleosynthetic p process
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Document type | Article de périodique (Journal article) |
Publication date | 2001 |
Journal information | "Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics)" - Vol. C64, p. 055804 (2001) |
Peer reviewed | yes |
e-issn | 1089-490X |
issn | 0556-2813 |
Publication status | Publié |
Affiliation | UCL |
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Bibliographic reference | Harissopulos, S. ; Skreti, E. ; Tsagari, P. ; Souliotis, G. ; Demetriou, P. ; et. al. Cross-section measurements of the Nb-93 (p, gamma) Mo-94 reaction at E(p) = 1.4-MeV to 4.9-MeV relevant to the nucleosynthetic p process. In: Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics), Vol. C64, p. 055804 (2001) |
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