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Reforming European competition policy

  1. Calciano, FL (2008) European competition policy: design, implementation and political support. Research Report for the Centre for European Studies (CES), Brussels, Preliminary Draft
  2. European Commission (2004) Guidelines on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty. Communication from the Commission Official Journal of the European Union, vol C 101. 24 April 2004
  3. European Commission (2008) Guidance on the Commission’s enforcement priorities in applying Article 82 EC Treaty to abusive exclusionary conduct by dominant undertakings. Communication from the Commission, 3 December 2008
  4. European Council (2003) Proposal for a Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings. Official Journal of the European Union, vol C 020. 28 January 2003
  5. Gual J, Hellwig M, Perrot A, Polo M, Rey P, Schmidt K, Stenbacka R (2006) An economic approach to Article 82. Competition Policy Int 2(1):111–154
  6. Lang, JT (2008) The requirements for a Commission Notice on the concept of abuse under Article 82 EC. CEPS Special Report, 10 December 2008
  7. Martin, S (2008) The goals of antitrust and competition policy. In: Collins WD (ed) Issues in Competition Law and Policy, vol 1. American Bar Association, Chicago pp 19–84
  8. Tirole J (2005) The analysis of tying cases: a primer. Competition Policy Int 1:1–25
Bibliographic reference Calciano, Filippo Luca. Reforming European competition policy. In: European View, Vol. 8, no. 1, p. &25-131 (Juin 2009)
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