Expressing the contribution of Ecosystem Services in Urban Metabolism assessments: Integrated framework and application to the city of Lima, Peru
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Expressing the contribution of Ecosystem Services in Urban Metabolism assessments: Integrated framework and application to the city of Lima, Peru
Urban Metabolism (UM) is a discipline tailored to undertake future urban sustainability challenges (i.e. global environmental impacts due to the allocation of resources and energy) since its overarching goal is to assess the activities underpinning resource demand and waste generation in cities. Moreover, Ecosystem Services (ES) analysis provides a vast reservoir of tools and strategies to optimize cities’ metabolism through improved resource cycling and emissions reduction. Despite significant improvements in ecosystem service knowledge and classification, this reservoir remains mostly unexplored in UM research. In response to this knowledge gap, we propose an integrated Urban Metabolism and Ecosystem Service framework to extend the Economy-Wide Material Flow Analysis (EW-MFA). The framework utilizes “Pressures”, “Drivers” and “State” indicators to explain the relationships between anthropogenic and natural systems. In addition, we utilize System Dynamics (SD) as a modelling method to quantify the relationships between factors; this allows the elaboration of temporally dynamic assessments and predictive forecasting. Through the proposed framework, interdependencies and causal relationships between ecosystem service assessment and EW-MFA flow categories can be identified. The framework is applied and tested a case study, the city of Lima, Peru. This case study will provide opportunities to analyze the contribution of six selected ES (carbon sequestration, pollutant deposition, peri-urban agriculture, biomass as construction material, biowaste-to-energy, and solar energy) to the overall urban-scale dynamics of resources and emissions. Simulations will be considered to estimate spatial and temporal variation based on urban growth, climate simulations, and land-use data. Scenario analysis is used to jointly estimate the amounts of resource flows/emissions and the change in ES supply levels to 2050 (increased or decreased quantities for each service). The findings have the potential to promote awareness of the value of nature in anthropogenic-dominated environments, as well as the integration of UM and ES knowledge in urban planning and design.
Cardenas Mamani, Ursula ; Perrotti, Daniela ; et. al. Expressing the contribution of Ecosystem Services in Urban Metabolism assessments: Integrated framework and application to the city of Lima, Peru.2022 International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS 2022) (Virtual, du 01/08/2022 au 04/08/2022).