Mahieu, Manon
Defour, Jean-Philippe
Scheers, Isabelle
Brichard, Bénédicte
Levy, Gabriel
Arnould, Thierry
Heremans, Isaac
Bommer, Guido
Corbet, Cyril
Decottignies, Anabelle
The idea that the G-rich sequences of telomeric DNA were preferential targets of ROS has been proposed many years ago. However, the hypothesis has not been tested in the context of naturally occurring ROS resulting from distinct mitochondrial haplotypes. Similarly, some evidences of a maternal transmission of telomere length were provided in the past but the demonstration that the mitochondrial DNA sequence could influence telomere length was still missing. Using a Flow-FISH approach, we established reference curves for telomere length in the Belgian population. We isolated platelets from donors with either very long (>P90), average or short telomeres and, using a transmitochondrial cybrid approach, tested the impact of their respective mitochondrial DNA genomes on telomere length of a recipient telomerase-expressing cell line depleted of mitochondria (143B Rho0). Our data revealed that mtDNA-encoded electron transport chain protein variants, through distinct impacts on respiration rate and ROS production, regulate telomere length. Strikingly, we found that mitochondria isolated from donors with very long telomeres and displaying signs of maternal inheritance were able to elongate the telomeres of 143B Rho0 cells. We will present our last results and discuss about their significance in the context of the genetic inheritance of telomere length.

Bibliographic reference |
Mahieu, Manon ; Defour, Jean-Philippe ; Scheers, Isabelle ; Brichard, Bénédicte ; Levy, Gabriel ; et. al. The mitochondrial haplotype influences oxidative stress and human telomere length .EMBO Workshop-Telomere function and evolution in health and disease (Troia, Portugal, du 26/09/2022 au 01/10/2022). |
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