[Choanal atresia: a retrospective study of 39 cases]. The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical characteristics and the surgical management in patients with choanal atresia. We performed a retrospective study at the Saint-Luc University hospital, Brussels, between January 1988 and June 2000. Surgical corrections were performed using different approach (transnasal endoscopic, transpalatal) and different instrumentations (urethral sounds, laser nd-YAG, laser CO2, microdebrider). Portex endotracheal tubes were inserted as nasal stents in the vast majority of the patients with bilateral choanal atresia. Thirty-nine children with choanal atresia (22 unilateral and 17 bilateral) (9: M, 30: F) were studied. 38 of them were surgically managed. Based on clinical inspection and On CT-Scan, choanal atresia was defined as membranous for 4 patients, osseous for 6 and mixte for 29. Associated congenital anomalies were found in 22.7% of unilateral and in 70.5% of bilateral choanal atresia (Total: 43.5%). Of those children with bilateral choanal atresia, 75% were asymptomatic after four surgical procedures. In children with unilateral choanal atresia, 45% were asymptomatic after one surgical correction and 100% after three surgical corrections. Four patients were managed using an endoscopic endonasal approach with the microdebrider and showed no evidence of recurrence. Outcome analyses of factors that may influence the results of surgery are difficult to establish since many different surgical options were taken during this period. However, it seems that bilateral choanal atresia is associated with more surgical corrections before achieving a normal nasal breathing than unilateral choanal atresia. After this review, our current strategy regarding the choanal atresia will be to begin with the endoscopic endonasal approach using the microdebrider (stents if bilateral) and to propose the transpalatal approach in case of recurrence.
Rombaux, Philippe ; Hamoir, Marc ; Gilain, V ; Verellen, Gaston ; Debauche, Christian ; et. al. Les atrésies choanales: à propos d'une série rétrospective de 39 cas.. In: Revue de laryngologie - otologie - rhinologie, Vol. 122, no. 3, p. 147-154 (2001)