Future gravitational-wave detectors on Earth and on the Moon aim to access signals below 10 Hz. On Earth, the Einstein Telescope - a next generation interferometric gravitational-wave detector — will extend the detection band down to 3 Hz. On the Moon, the Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna will feature extremely sensitive accelerometers that can monitor the Moon’s body excited by gravitational waves from the lunar surface. Our cryogenic superconducting inertial sensor aims to meet requirements for deployment on the Moon and provide sensitive probes of suspended cryogenic objects in terrestrial gravitational-wave detectors. We aim for a displacement sensitivity at 1 Hz of a few fm/, which is 3 orders of magnitude better than the state of the art.
"Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment" - Vol. 1041, no.-, p. 167231 (2022)
van Heijningen, Joris ; Gatti, A. ; Ferreira, E.C. ; Bocchese, F. ; Badaracco, F. ; et. al. A cryogenic inertial sensor for terrestrial and lunar gravitational-wave detection. In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 1041, no.-, p. 167231 (2022)