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Microsurgery of sulcus vergeture with carbon dioxide laser and injectable collagen.

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  23. Remacle Marc, Dujardin Jean-Marc, Lawson Georges, Treatment of Vocal Fold Immobility by Glutaraldehyde—Cross-Linked Collagen Injection: Longc-Term Results, 10.1177/000348949510400604
  24. Remacle Marc, Lawson Georges, Watelet Jean-Baptiste, Carbon Dioxide Laser Microsurgery of Benign Vocal Fold Lesions: Indications, Techniques, and Results in 251 Patients, 10.1177/000348949910800210
  25. Kass Erik S., Hillman Robert E., Zeitels Steven M., Vocal Fold Submucosal Infusion Technique in Phonomicrosurgery, 10.1177/000348949610500503
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  27. Ford Charles N., Histologic Studies on the Fate of Soluble Collagen Injected into Canine Vocal Folds, 10.1002/lary.1986.96.11.1248
  28. Remacle Marc, Marbaix Etienne, Further Morphologic Studies on Collagen Injected into Canine Vocal Folds, 10.1177/000348949110001209
Bibliographic reference Remacle, Marc ; Lawson, Georges ; Degols, J C ; Evrard, I ; Jamart, Jacques. Microsurgery of sulcus vergeture with carbon dioxide laser and injectable collagen.. In: The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology, Vol. 109, no. 2, p. 141-8 (2000)
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