Ajith, Ananya
Evraerts, Jonathan
Brusa, Davide
Bouzin, Caroline
Sokal, Etienne
Najimi, Mustapha
Background Kupffer cells (KC) are embryonically derived liver resident macrophages, responsible for maintaining liver homeostasis. Apart from KCs, infiltrating mono-macrophages of bone marrow origin also make up a small proportion of the hepatic macrophage population. During chronic liver diseases, the Kupffer cell population is largely replaced by the infiltrating mono-macrophage populations. Thus, the hepatic macrophage populations differ in their origin, phenotype, and characteristics. So, maintaining a balance between the different hepatic macrophage populations determines the outcome of the progression of chronic liver diseases. Aim To study the miRNA-based epigenetic dysregulation of KCs and infiltrating macrophages during chronic liver diseases. Methods- C57BL/6 mice were intraperitoneally injected with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) twice a week for 4 and 18 weeks to induce progressive liver damage. Enzymatic digestion of the liver using collagenase was performed to isolate non-parenchymal cell fractions (NPF). Cell sorting using specific surface antibodies was performed to isolate KCs and infiltrating mono-macrophages from the NPF of digested livers. Results The overall leukocyte cell population was found to be slightly increased in the CCl4 groups than oil-treated group. The overall frequency of the myeloid cell population remained the same between the vehicle and CCl4-treated groups. The frequency of KCs is decreased in both CCl4-treated mice liver groups (20%-25% of total myeloid cell population) in comparison to the vehicle-treated group (60% of myeloid cell population), while the frequency of mono-macrophages was found to be initially increased in the 4 weeks CCl4 treated group (25% of myeloid cells) and then decreased in the 18 weeks CCl4 treated group (10% of myeloid cells). Conclusion Our preliminary results suggest a dynamic change in the hepatic macrophage populations during chronic liver disease conditions. During the initial stage of CCl4-induced liver disease, the loss of the KC population is replenished by the infiltrating mono-macrophages. Our next step is to fully characterize the sorted KCs and infiltrating mono-macrophages, at the epigenetic level, and potentially correlate these alterations with the chronic progression of liver disease toward hepatocellular carcinoma.

Bibliographic reference |
Ajith, Ananya ; Evraerts, Jonathan ; Brusa, Davide ; Bouzin, Caroline ; Sokal, Etienne ; et. al. CHARACTERISATION OF KUPFFER CELL AND INFILTRATING MONO-MACROPHAGE POPULATIONS IN CCl4 INDUCED LIVER DAMAGE model.Télévie symposium UCLouvain (Brussels, Belgium, 02/02/2023). |
Permanent URL |
http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/272790 |