Le Vourch, Vivien
Morandini, Louis
Mahillon, Jacques
Legrève, Anne
In the context of sustainable potato production, there is a need for alternatives to synthetic fungicides for the biocontrol of potato late blight. Though the antimicrobial activities of members belonging to the Bacillus subtilis group are well reported, there is little information about the potential of Bacillus mycoides. In this study, we assessed the potential biocontrol activity of three strains of B. mycoides, isolated from rhizosphere and soils in Belgium, against Phytophthora infestans. The in vitro antagonistic activity was assessed by direct confrontation in dual culture assays in Petri dishes, using either a single or a double-plate system. A significant reduction of hyphal growth was observed in both systems, indicating the presence of diffusible active compounds in the solid medium, as well as the involvement of volatile organic compounds released in the air. The efficacy of the bacteria against potato late blight was also tested in planta, by comparing the disease infection progress on plants inoculated with P. infestans after a treatment of leaves or roots with the bacteria. The results showed a reduction of disease intensity after the application of the three bacterial strains on the leaves. This work paves the way for further investigation on the different B. mycoides antagonistic compounds involved in these antagonistic activities.

Bibliographic reference |
Le Vourch, Vivien ; Morandini, Louis ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Legrève, Anne. Antagonistic activity of Bacillus mycoides against potato late blight.Plant BioProTech (Reims, France, du 28/06/2022 au 01/07/2022). |
Permanent URL |
http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/268041 |