Mai Liên Lê
Noël, Marie-Pascale
The Vietnamese number-naming system more transparently expresses base-10 than the French one does. Our study aimed to examine the language (base-10) effect on the transcoding performance and error nature in 68 French-speaking (FS) children and 173 Vietnamese-speaking (VNS) children in the first grade. They were presented with two transcoding tasks: verbal- and analog-Arabic. The results showed that the VNS children performed better than the FS children on both of the transcoding tasks. The FS children committed more lexical errors than the VNS children did, while the syntactic error rates were not different. We conclude that the transparency of the base-10 expressions or the reduced number lexicon led to a better transcoding performance in the VNS children, and the nature of the transcoding error reflects differences in the number-naming system. The differences in transcoding performance and errors are discussed based on the integration of the transcoding theoretical frameworks.
Bibliographic reference |
Mai Liên Lê ; Noël, Marie-Pascale. Transparent Vietnamese number-naming system facilitates first graders transcoding – A cross-linguistic study with French. In: Cognitive Development, Vol. 31, no.101145, p. 1-18 (2022) |
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