Poulain, Michel
Herm Anna
[Tallinn University]
Pes, Gianni
[Università degli Studi di Sassari]
This 6th Crosstalks book is a careful selection of studies, research, reflections, projects and activism exploring ageism and its opposite. Philosophy and art are included for their capacity to provide culturally driven contexts in which to think freely and activate slumbering senses and sensibilities. Age wants to contribute to the escape routes out of a society driven by competition and profit and divided by class, income, race, sex, education and age. Age is a counter narrative, celebrating life, solidarity and the empowerment of all people with regard to their own health, whatever their age. Not acting one’s age, whether it is intentional or not, is both a dangerous and a promising enterprise. — Aagje Swinnen In many ways, age in men often equates with the concept of ‘sage’; ironic, since we all know many older men who are complete doofuses. There certainly seem to be more male role models who are reaching their older years with dignity and grace while in the public eye, compared to the number of high-ranking women in the fields of government, science, religion, education, politics, … Do I need to continue the list? — Ellen Snortland

Bibliographic reference |
Poulain, Michel ; Herm Anna ; Pes, Gianni. Blue Zones : the enigma of extreme longevity. In: Marleen Wynants et Goedele Nuyttens (eds.), Age : From the anatomy of life to the architecture of living, VUBpress : Bruxelles 2016, p. 274-289 |
Permanent URL |
http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/258911 |