Schoumaker, Bruno
Sánchez-Páez, David Antonio
The objective of this paper is to identify fertility stalls at subnational levels in sub-Saharan African countries. Fertility trends are reconstructed by place of residence, by pooling birth histories from several surveys; the impact of migration on these stalls is tested in surveys where data on migration is available. We find stalls in 20 African capital cities and 9 other urban areas, while stalls in rural areas are only found in Zimbabwe and Namibia, two countries where stalls are also found at the country level. Stalls thus seem to be mainly an urban phenomenon in sub-Saharan Africa. A stalling high demand for children in urban areas and a slow uptake of contraception, offset by a decrease in postpartum infecundability, are part of the explanation for these stalls.

Bibliographic reference |
Schoumaker, Bruno ; Sánchez-Páez, David Antonio. Identifying fertility stalls by place of residence in sub-Saharan Africa.Population Association of America (PAA) (Virtual, du 22/04/2020 au 23/04/2020). |
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