The applicability of vibrational spectroscopy and multivariate analysis for the characterization of animal feed where the reference values do not follow a normal distribution: A new chemometric challenge posed at the ‘Chimiométrie 2019’ congress
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The applicability of vibrational spectroscopy and multivariate analysis for the characterization of animal feed where the reference values do not follow a normal distribution: A new chemometric challenge posed at the ‘Chimiométrie 2019’ congress
A chemometric challenge was posed at the annual ‘Chimiométrie’ congress organized by the French Chemometrics Society in February 2019. The congress was held in Montpellier and the data relating to the challenge are available on the congress website (https://chemom2019.sciencesconf.org/). The aim of the challenge was to test the ability of congress participants for the characterization of animal feed by NIR when the reference values do not follow a normal distribution for three different ingredients. This paper summarizes the five best approaches put forward by participants.
Fernández Pierna, J.A. ; Laborde, A. ; Lakhal, L. ; Lesnoff, M. ; Martin, Manon ; et. al. The applicability of vibrational spectroscopy and multivariate analysis for the characterization of animal feed where the reference values do not follow a normal distribution: A new chemometric challenge posed at the ‘Chimiométrie 2019’ congress. In: Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Vol. 202 (2020)