Limpens, Gauthier
Humanity is at the beginning of its third energy revolution, after coal and then oil, we are now moving towards the massive use of renewable energies that we knew since the dawn of time. This change will solve several problems, including climate change, as the concentration of greenhouse gases will stabilise. The success of fossil fuels resides in their storability. Indeed, these energies have been stored in the earth for millions of years and can be extracted whenever humans need energy. Their costs of storage are insignificant compared to their costs of extraction. On the contrary, the main renewable energies are intermittent, i.e. wind and solar energy, and thus cannot be stored. However, these energy can be converted into electricity, heat or another form of energy that can be stored. But storing these energy carriers has a significant cost and thus, redefine the design of the energy system. Hence, the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energies - mainly intermittent - requires a complete rethinking of the energy systemsupply chain from resources to demand while including conversion and storage technologies. In particular, to understand what will be the role of storage technologies in this energy system throughout the energy transition period and after. To address this issue, the thesis addresses the following research question: What is the role of energy storage technologies for the energy transition? Focusing on the role of storage requires the inclusion of its environment, i.e. the energy system. Focusing on the energy transition requires a time horizon fromtoday to about 2050. Thus, answering the research question requires a model that represents the energy systemduring the transition. These has motivated the following five contributions of the thesis. First, it is necessary to review the existing energy system models in the literature. Second, one of these models is improved to account for the complexities of energy storage. This involves, among others, to include different time scales (from hour to year) and to integrate all sectors of the energy system. Third, the model must be extended to the full time horizon, i.e. to enable the definition of the optimal pathway between today’s energy system and the long-termgoal. Fourth, the data for the case study must be collected and documented. And Fifth, as the proposed approach is deterministic (i.e. ‘perfect foresight’), a method for accounting for uncertainty is proposed in order to qualify the results. The contributions as a whole provide a framework for generating several energy transition pathways. By applying it to Belgium, the framework offers an overview of the different strategies to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, of the uncertain parameters that influence decisionmaking, and of the different pathways to reach the long term-target. The whole-energy system approach enhances synergies among the different sectors, such as the importance of electrification. However, this approach cannot be extended to the whole system due to a limit on electricity production. The model prioritises the sectors that should benefit from electrification, such as low temperature heat. As a consequence, on the contrary to the current trends in the literature, private mobility is mainly supplemented by hydrogen vehicles. The reason is that hydrogen (or methane) is easier to import and store on a massive scale. By optimising several transition pathways, the main trends emerge: energy efficiency, local renewable energy, and finally, import of renewable fuels and electricity. Furthermore, an analysis of the overall transition shows the benefit of anticipating policy decisions such as the ban of technologies that are not compatible with a low emission system. The energy transition will be one of the major challenges of the 21st century. With a profound change in the energy system and an integrated approach across sectors, this ambitious challenge can be overcome. Each country should contribute by maximising its cost-effective production of renewable energy before externalising the problem and unbalancing the efforts of other countries.

Bibliographic reference |
Limpens, Gauthier. Generating energy transition pathways : application to Belgium. Prom. : Jeanmart, Hervé |
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