Teller, E.
Vanbelle, Marcel
Kamatali, P.
Wavreille, J.
Six nonpregnant Friesian heifers (516 kg avg BW) with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used to examine intake of direct cut (DC) or wilted (W) grass silage in relation to chewing behavior, ruminal characteristics and site and extent of digestion. Dry matter content of the silages was 20.3% and 40.3%, and feed intake averaged 1.88% and 2.17% of BW (P less than .01), respectively. Mean ruminal osmolality was 291 mosm/liter for the DC and 318 mosm/liter for the W silage (P less than .05), with extreme values exceeding 350 mosm/liter for the W silage at 1 h to 2 h postfeeding. There was a shift from eating to ruminating on W silage associated with a longer duration of the average rumination bolus cycle (P less than .01). Duration of chewing time per kilogram of DM intake was 103.5 min and 91.7 min (P less than .05) for the DC and W silages, respectively. Fecal mean particle length was 2.2 times greater (P less than .01), accompanied by higher spread coefficients (P less than .001), for the W silage. No differences occurred between silages in ruminal digestibility of OM and NDF. In the total digestive tract, apparent digestibilities of OM and NDF were depressed after wilting grass prior to ensiling (P less than .01), but the proportion of digestible OM apparently digested in the rumen was .74 for both silages.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Bibliographic reference |
Teller, E. ; Vanbelle, Marcel ; Kamatali, P. ; Wavreille, J.. Intake of direct cut or wilted grass silage as related to chewing behavior, ruminal characteristics and site and extent of digestion by heifers.. In: Journal of animal science, Vol. 67, no. 10, p. 2802-9 (1989) |
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