Claes, Marie-Thérèse
[Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien]
Aust, Ina
There is an emerging global trend in leadership that reflects upon leading with wisdom, spiritual leadership, mindfulness and responsibility. The leadership challenge is to move from egosystem awareness towards an ecosystem of awareness. Sustainable development can be described as developing and implementing ecological, economic, and social standards by respecting the boundaries of the global ecosystems called planetary boundaries. The ethical global leadership challenge is to respond effectively to complex ethical issues and moral dilemmas. The global leadership challenge of becoming a good citizen refers to the political co-responsibility of global MNCs for sociopolitical issues such as human rights, social justice and environmental protection. Mindfulness is an attitude that can be learned through continuous, often year-long and disciplined practice, and promotes the mind's ability to be focused and to become aware of the auto-pilot way in which we often use our brain, of our health, well-being, emotional balance, etc.
Bibliographic reference |
Claes, Marie-Thérèse ; Aust, Ina. Global Leadership for Sustainable Development. In: B. Sebastian Reiche, Günter K. Stahl, Mark E. Mendenhall, Gary R. Oddou, Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management, Routledge : New York 2016, p. 438-457 |
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