Haddad, P.-A.
Raskin, Jean-Pierre
Micron-size antennas coupled to high-frequency diodes convert the AC electric field harvested from ambient radiation to useable DC power. Currently, investigated rectifying antennas (rectennas) based on metal/insulator/metal (MIM) diodes present frequency limitations due to their intrinsic RC response time and have poor impedance matching to the antenna [1]. MIM diodes use the tunneling effect through their thin insulator to create the non-linear behavior resulting in rectification [2]. Geometric diodes however use the ballistic transport of charge carriers in planar structures smaller or comparable to the mean free path to obtain the asymmetric behavior. Graphene structures exhibit a carrier mean free path exceeding 300 nm at room temperature [3] and have an extremely low capacitance due to their planar configuration. This makes them suitable to reach a 30 THz target frequency. Networks of rectennas could be used in solar cells for thermophotovoltaic energy harvesting. We present our progress on device characterization on SiO2 and large-scale fabrication of suspended CVD graphene devices on Cu thin films.

Bibliographic reference |
Haddad, P.-A. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Towards suspended geometric diodes for TeraHertz rectenna solar cells using wafer-scale CVD graphene on Cu thin films.The 19th International Conference on Electron Dynamics in Semiconductors, Optoelectronic - Edison'19 (Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), du 29/06/2015 au 02/07/2015). |
Permanent URL |
http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/241342 |