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Smoothing Technique and its Applications in Semidefinite Optimization

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  7. Nesterov Yurii, Introductory Lectures on Convex Optimization, ISBN:9781461346913, 10.1007/978-1-4419-8853-9
  8. Nesterov Yu. (2005) Smooth minimization of non-smooth functions. Mathematical programming, 103(1): 127–152
  9. Nesterov Yu. (2005) Excessive gap technique in nonsmooth convex minimization. SIAM J Optim 16(1): 235–249
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Bibliographic reference Nesterov, Yurii. Smoothing Technique and its Applications in Semidefinite Optimization. In: Mathematical Programming, Vol. 110, no. 2, p. 245-259 (Juillet 2007)
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