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Feasibility of liver Transplantation (LT) with Preservation of the inferior Vena cava (IVC) and without venovenous Bypass use (VVB) in adult Polycystic liver disease (PLD)

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Bibliographic reference Darius, Tom ; Ciccarelli, Olga ; Hassoun, Ziad ; Dereyck, C ; Roggen, F ; et. al. Feasibility of liver Transplantation (LT) with Preservation of the inferior Vena cava (IVC) and without venovenous Bypass use (VVB) in adult Polycystic liver disease (PLD).10th World Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (IHPBA) (Paris, France, du 01/07/2012 au 05/07/2012). In: HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, Vol. 14, no.Suppl 2, p. 185 (2012)
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