This presentation will focus on the editorial strategy (Letourneux, 2017) of the popular Bijou collection, with particular emphasis on the multimedial aspect of the collection (glass plates, publisher's booklets, illustrated publications...) and the reappropriations produced by the catechists in the context of lantern projections. In this perspective, we would like to better understand the interrelationships between the different media and the specific contribution of each of them in order to meet the edifying purposes of the collection. This analysis of the co-presence of different media-forms will be supplemented by a genetic approach aiming at to retrace the fabrication process of this multimedia ensemble. Our hypothesis will be that the illustrations for glass plates play a crucial role from the beginning of the editorial process.
Fevry, Sébastien ; Werry, Adeline ; et. al. The editorial strategy of the Bijou collection. When media diversification reinforce an edifying ambition .Multimodality: Illusion, Performance, Experience (Aarhus University, du 24/10/2019 au 25/10/2019).