Nicolas, Aurore
Pourtois, Julie
[ Princeton University, Guyot Hall, Princeton, NJ, USA]
Karier, Pol
Markó, István
Hance, Thierry
Sexual dimorphism, particularly at the level of sensory and locomotor organs, is usually attributed to sexual selection. Antennae are notably developed in males of species that need to detect a sex pheromone at low concentration or at long distance. In addition to their role in intrasexual selection, antennae can be seen as important ornaments in intersexual selection. Antennae of Aphidoletes aphidimyza are clearly sexually dimorphic (males have longer antennae than females, with highly developed sensilla) while females emit a sex pheromone for mating. Males with longer and more symmetrical antennae than others could be more successful in reaching the source of sex pheromone, especially if they can fly properly. A morphometric study was first conducted, to apprehend the variability of antennae, wings and tibias in lab conditions. The length of the antennae of male A. aphidimyza is impressive and the right antenna is longer than the left antenna. Secondly, choice experiments were conducted in a Y-shaped olfactometer with males of A. aphidimyza facing the sex pheromone. The relationship between choice patterns and morphology of males was then studied, but no link was found between the morphology of males and their behaviour while exposed to the sex pheromone, although males were indeed attracted by the olfactometer arm containing the sex pheromone.
Bibliographic reference |
Nicolas, Aurore ; Pourtois, Julie ; Karier, Pol ; Markó, István ; Hance, Thierry. Sexual dimorphism and sex pheromone detection in Aphidoletes aphidimyza. In: Animal Biology, Vol. 70, no.1, p. 13-25 (2020) |
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