Chiti, Maria Costanza
Andrade Amorim, Christiani
Since the first publications on the artificial ovary, many advances have been made. At that time, no studies had yet proved the feasibility of the concept, so it might have appeared provocative to unable to propose this option as a future fertility restoration approach for women unable to undergo ovarian tissue transplantation. Today, different artificial ovary prototypes demonstrate that this technique is able to restore both endocrine and reproductive functions in a murine model, producing healthy pups. However, with a view to future clinical application, further studies with human ovarian tissue and human follicles are essential. The aim of this chapter is to highlight the latest developments and advances in the field, as well as future directions for prompt translation to a clinical setting.

Bibliographic reference |
Chiti, Maria Costanza ; Andrade Amorim, Christiani. Artificial ovary. In: Donnez J, Kim SS, Principles and Practice of Fertility Preservation, Cambridge University Press : Cambridge 2020 |
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