This document aims to provide an assessment of the potential of future colliding beam facilities to perform Higgs boson studies. The analysis builds on the submissions made by the proponents of future colliders to the European Strategy Update process, and takes as its point of departure the results expected at the completion of the HL-LHC program. This report presents quantitative results on many aspects of Higgs physics for future collider projects of sufficient maturity using uniform methodologies. A first version of this report was prepared for the purposes of discussion at the Open Symposium in Granada (13-16/05/2019). Comments and feedback received led to the consideration of additional run scenarios as well as a refined analysis of the impact of electroweak measurements on the Higgs coupling extraction.
de Blas, J. ; Cepeda, M. ; D'Hondt, J. ; Ellis, R.K. ; Grojean, C. ; et. al. Higgs Boson Studies at Future Particle Colliders. In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2001, p. 139 (2020)