OBJECTIVE: To explore the perceptions of general practice trainees regarding their discipline and to compare these spontaneously expressed views with recently proposed definitions of general practice. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A qualitative focus-group study was conducted in one Belgian and two French medical schools. Twenty-eight trainees took part (16 from Belgium and 12 from France). The transcripts were analysed by the immersion crystallization method. RESULTS: The participants in this study seemed prepared to take on the many responsibilities outlined in various definitions of general practice, but feared personal commitment to accessibility and continuous care. Being skilled clinicians and patients' advocates formed their "raison d'être" in the healthcare system. They were reluctant to act as gatekeepers within the system, a role that might jeopardize their advocacy function for their patients. They mentioned the lack of appeal of entrepreneurship aspect of practice. Participants reported that training settings typically offer traditional models of practice, which sometimes led them to feel estranged from a profession that they felt needs reorganization. CONCLUSIONS: Participants' descriptions generally coincided with official definitions of general practitioners' tasks, except for practice management and gate-keeping aspects. They were willing to accept the burden of general practice as long as responsibility could be shared and as long as there was freedom for flexible progress along a modern career track.
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