Lontchi Jioleo, Jackson
Zhukova, Maria
Kovacic, M.
[University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia]
Krc, J.
[University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia]
Chen, W-C.
[Uppsala University , dep . Eng. Sciences, Angstrom lab , Uppsala, Sweden]
Edoff, M.
[Uppsala University , dep . Eng. Sciences, Angstrom lab , Uppsala, Sweden]
Bose, S.
[Uppsala University , dep . Eng. Sciences, Angstrom lab , Uppsala, Sweden]
Salomé, P.
[International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory , Braga, Portugal]
Flandre, Denis
We present the 1 D/ 2 D modelling methodology, using SCAPS and ATLAS software to simulate ultra thin CIGS solar cells, and their impactful results on optical and electrical properties of Al 2 O 3 passivated with point contact structure and unpassivated cells with and without back optical reflector. These simulations help predict optimum conditions compared to different parameters like geometry of contact hole openings ( oxide charges density Qf surface recombination velocity ( and back reflector (BR The impact of the results of these simulations are very significant for cell design and fabrication.
Lontchi Jioleo, Jackson ; Zhukova, Maria ; Kovacic, M. ; Krc, J. ; Chen, W-C. ; et. al. Ultra thin CIGS: 1D/2D modelling methodology and impactful results for cell design.IW CIGSTECH 10, 10th International Workshop on CIGS Solar Cell Technology (Paris (France), du 23/05/2019 au 24/05/2019).