Martínez-Pérez, Antonio D.
[Group of Electronic Design (GDE), Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain]
Gimeno Gasca, Cecilia
Flandre, Denis
Aznar, Francisco
[Group of Electronic Design (GDE), Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain]
Royo, Guillermo
[Group of Electronic Design (GDE), Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain]
Sánchez-Azqueta, Carlos
[Group of Electronic Design (GDE), Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain]
This paper proposes a general methodology for designing noise-canceling low noise amplifiers (LNA). The procedure provides designers a more accurate information of the topology trade-offs in the technology and which restrictions must be imposed to design variables to attain target specifications. Thus, it is especially desirable when opposite specification, such as cut-off frequency, linearity, noise figure or power consumption are required. A CG-CS LNA in a 45 nm SOI CMOS technology is presented, although authors give guidelines to extrapolate the method to other topologies and technologies.

Bibliographic reference |
Martínez-Pérez, Antonio D. ; Gimeno Gasca, Cecilia ; Flandre, Denis ; Aznar, Francisco ; Royo, Guillermo ; et. al. Methodology for Performance Optimization in Noise- and Distortion-Canceling LNA.SMACD-16th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (Lausanne (Suisse), du 15/07/2019 au 18/07/2019). In: Proceedings of SMACD 2019, IEEE2019 |
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