Bronchain, Olivier
Dassy, Louis
[ARM Ltd.]
Faust, Sebastian
[TU Darmstadt/Germany]
Standaert, François-Xavier
At CCS2016,Dziembowski et al.proved the security of a generic compilerable to transform any circuit into a Trojan-resilient one base dona(necessary)number of trusted gates. Informally,it exploits techniques from the Multi-Party Computation(MPC) literature in order to exponentially reduce the probability of a successful Trojan attack. As a result,its concrete relevance depends on(i)the possibility to reach good performances with affordable hardware, and (ii) the actual number of trusted gates the solution requires. In this paper, we assess the practicality of the CCS 2016 Trojan resilient compiler based on a blockcipher case study,and optimize its performances in different directions.From the algorithmic viewpoint, we use a recent MPC protocol by Araki et al. (CCS 2016) in order to increase the throughput of our implementations,and we investigate various block ciphers and S-box representations to reduce their communication complexity. From a design viewpoint,we develop an architecture that balances the computation and communication cost of our Trojan-resilient circuits.From an implementation viewpoint,we describe a prototype hardware combining several commercial FPGAs on a dedicated printed circuit board. Thanks to these advances,we exhibit realistic performances for a Trojan-resilient circuit purposed for high-security applications,and confirm that the amount of trusted gates required by the CCS2016 compiler is wel lminimized.

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Bibliographic reference |
Bronchain, Olivier ; Dassy, Louis ; Faust, Sebastian ; Standaert, François-Xavier. Implementing Trojan-Resilient Hardware from(Mostly) Untrusted Components Designed by Colluding Manufacturers.2018 Workshop on Attacks and Solutions in Hardware Security (ASHES@CCS 2018) (Toronto (Canada), 19/10/2018). In: Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Attacks and Solutions in Hardware Security (ASHES@CCS 2018), Chip-Hong Chip, Ulrich Rührmair, Daniel Holcomb, Jorge Guajardo2018, p.1-10 |
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